Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Walk To School

Here is what my walk to school every day looks like:

We begin the journey on my street!

My street again!
With the Duomo in the distance!

Part of Piazza Santissima Annunziata
During lunch hours, tons of people come sit on these steps and eat because they're in the shade at that time!

Another part of Piazza Santissima Annunziata
When you see the horses butt, you know you're going the right way! hehe

One more spot in Piazza Santissima

Keep on walking and the Duomo gets even closer!
This is the street where I buy my groceries!

The side of the Duomo!
I walk around it every day! It is a lot bigger than it looks!

Part of the front of the Duomo!
Pictures don't do it justice.

The famous golden doors across from the Duomo!
They are the Baptistery doors. In the afternoons, its impossible to pass in between the Duomo and the doors because of all the people!

One of the dozens of stores I pass each day!
That I can not and will never be able to afford. Including: Gucci and Dolce and Gabbana!

The streets are super narrow!
And the sidewalks are even more narrow!

The entrance to my Italian classroom.
It is actually an art studio that the institute uses as a classroom outside of the main building.

The main entrance of The Institute at Palazzo Ruccelai!

Go up the dizzying spiral staircase!

I use a special key to get in!

Here is the mail room, where, hopefully you will all send me letters!

The biggest hallway in the palace!
Yeah, that's right, my school is a PALACE! It is still owned by the Ruccelai family and rented to the institute to use for school. The palace is NOT open to the public!

One of the frescoes on the ceiling of my Italian Cultural Anthropology classroom!

Here is part of my Anthropology room with people's book bags!
Yes, we actually do school! The classroom is called San Giovanni!

So now you (sort-of) know what my walk is like each day to school here in Florence! Hope everyone is enjoying my blog! Leave comments and say hello!

Love, Mandy

1 comment:

  1. That's quite a walk...lots of interesting sights! The Golden doors and the fresco are gorgeous.
